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  • 数学
  • 2024-07-07



you, he, she, I, they, it,my your

is, am are,be

want, like, go, see,

will, can


and, or

This, that, there, here

OK, NO, YES, good, bad


数字one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 基数first second third forth fifth sixth eighth ninth tenth 代词I me my mine you your yours she her hers he him his it its we us our ours they them their theirs this that these those颜色red green yellow blue white black brown pink purple orange gray dark light 星期月份年Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April May June July August September OctoberNovember December year动物horse 马 donkey 驴ox 牛cow 母牛 pig 猪 sheep 羊goat 山羊lamb羔羊 zebra 斑马deer 鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿elephant 象 cat 猫 lion 狮 puma 美洲豹 tiger虎 dog 狗otter 水獭fox狐 wolf狼 squirrel 松鼠bear 熊 rabbit 兔子rat 鼠 monkey 猴子gorilla 大猩猩 kangaroo袋鼠koala 考拉 bat 蝙蝠 whale 鲸 dolphin 河豚 seal 海豹 cock 公鸡 hen母鸡 chicken 鸡 turkey 火鸡 peacock 孔雀duck 鸭 goose 鹅 dove 鸽子ostrich 鸵鸟 crow 乌鸦 snake 蛇 turtle 龟 frog 青蛙 ant 蚂蚁bee 蜜蜂 fly 苍蝇 spider 蜘蛛ladybird 瓢虫 dragonfly 蜻蜓 butterfly 蝴蝶bug 臭虫 snail 蜗牛crab 蟹水果蔬菜食物 fruit vegetable food cherry 樱桃 coconut椰子 grape葡萄kiwi猕猴桃 lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果 orange 柑橘 olive 橄榄 peach 桃 pear 梨 melon 甜瓜 papaya 木瓜 pineapple 菠萝 strawberry 草莓apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 guava 番石榴watermelon 西瓜 chili 辣椒 tomato 番茄cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 pumpkin 南瓜 cabbage 卷心菜 onion 洋葱 cake 蛋糕 dumpling 饺子noodle面条 bread 面包 rice米饭 soup 汤 ice cream juice pudding bun馒头 hamburger汉堡 pizza披萨 wheat 小麦 jam 酱 sauce 汁 meat肉 beef 牛肉 pork 猪肉 milk 牛奶sandwich三明治 egg 鸡蛋 天气:sunny 晴的windy 有风的cloudy 有云的rainy 下雨的snowy 下雪的foggy 有雾的hail 冰雹thunderstorm 雷电交加的暴风雨 cold hot warm 交通工具 bus 公交车bicycle 自行车truck 卡车subway 地铁airplane 飞机ship 船train 火车 boat 船 bike 自行车 jet 喷气式飞机 car 车 jeep 吉普motor 摩托车疑问词howwho whywhat where when which 介词连词冠词量词 at on in to of off under for from behind beside front about up down between after with out and but yet among both then later so such a an the many much most lot thousands million billion little 形容词(人)old young new tall short fat thin pretty ugly beautiful cool handsome active smart clever able cute lovely energetic friendly goodgentle honest kind selfish strict stupid bad 人体部位eye ear nose mouth hand arm foot leg finger head hair face finger different difficult am are is some or letter just do no yes like love name thing book pen pencil bag eraser door floor window board open close hour clock morning noon moon evening night bed pet very ax hat hit can cup let desk elf box boss zoo too yoyo lie win lost paper stone stop shop big small little boy girl house raise rise rose rock nest net shut town cloud wind rain sun go see sea room class begin walk jump run sit stand hop clean away wayball toy pan formbeach mother father brother baby sister aunt uncle report rest have draw sweep write sing dance fast slow tree cap farmer happy sad angry shy surprise sleep fan fence dinner lunch eat lot get dress meet meat cheese hope wish year drop swim drive time lamp log lid roll role play plan boat train bomb clap stomp tomb tape tap knock may come sure take bring bright simple sample web flower pork beefmany much most cheep cheap dear beercopy right wrong flash card post office answer please well wall shelf act pay back accord tea try sky water ocean river lake park partbread market shoes shock shift lift left kick kiss kid garden jam jet just flag gift glass over gum hen look lock inkgive pass shout asksawcry smile hill hell fold safe forget remember poor rich great face church men women build say speak late sorry sweet bit bite beat wear crown test quiz taste nice press pretty ugly throw line wine wire kite past wood cover bench want better whole wife son husband air help word world peace place peach born full hungrygun fly high low wash mouse go blow snake leap fun ground day catch shake knee keep dry turn fork knife touch teach study student school grass bowl setradio picture photo tomato potato get pinion enter choose loose tide enough free strong week weak weather whether plant cell fine film fire though mind wage rod homeby bye buy chat think star spy note massage message suit suite agreehoney join gold made mad top bottle bar county count only single





n. 基底;基础;基地;基本成分;碱;(晶体管的)基极;词根;(数系的)基数;(棒球)垒

adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的

v. 以……作基础;将……的活动中心设在某地


n. 基础;基本要素(basic的复数)





在类似on a whole-time basis,on an international basis等表达方式中,冠词a或an不能省略。


:1.act 动作 2.aim 瞄准

B:1.bar 酒吧 小卖铺 2.bat 蝙蝠

C:1.cap 棒球帽 2.cot 幼儿床

D:1.den 兽穴 2.dig 挖;刨

E:1.evil 极坏的 2.eye 眼睛

F:1.fib 假话 2.fry 煎;炒

G:1.god 上帝 2.gun 枪

H:1.hill 山冈 2.hug 拥抱

I:1.ice 冰 2.if 如果

J:1.jam 果酱 2.job


1,我 I

2,他 He

3,你 you

4,和 and

5,姓名 name

6,男人 man

7,女人 woman

8,去 go to

9,打搅一下 Excuse me

10,天 day

11,明天 tomorrow

12,今天 today


14,行李 luggage

15,换钱 Exchange

16,飞机场 airport

17,现金 cash

18,公共汽车 bus



21,酒店 hotel


23,数字 one…..ten(1…10)

24,床 bed

25,叫早 morning call

26,火车站 railway station

27,晚上 night

28,下午 afternoon

29,早餐 breakfast

30,中餐 lunch

31,晚餐 dinner

32,面包 bread

33,汤 soup

34,猪肉 pork

35,牛肉 beef

36,鱼 fish

37,鸡 chicken

38,米饭 rice

39,面 noodles

40,炒饭 fried rice

41,炸薯条 fried


43,饮料 drink

44,鸡蛋 egg

45,菜单 menu

46,冰激凌 ice cream

47,糖 sugar



50,橙汁 orange

51,香蕉 banana


53,热水 hot water

54,汽水 soda water

55,饿 hungry

56,冷 cool

57,热 hot


59,门票 ticket

60,妻子 wife


62,男孩 boy


64,年轻的 young

65,老的 old

66,祝好运 good luck

67,没问题 No problem

68,非常 very

69,办公室 office

70,漂亮 beautiful


72,快点 come on

73,慢点 slow down


75,司机 Driver

76,读 read

77,多久?how long?

78,报纸 newspaper

79,分钟 minutes

80,多少钱 How much?

81,美元 US Dollar


83,开门 open door

84,日本人 Japanese


86,我来自 L from

87,这个 this

88,我就会这么一点点英语 l can speak a littleEnglish

89,说 talk

90,计算器 calculator

91,几点? What time


93,房间 room

94,钢笔 pen

95,看 look

96,明白 understand

97,工作 work

98,谈话 talk


100,朋友 friend

以上就是英语入门单词的全部内容,3,你 you 4,和 and 5,姓名 name 6,男人 man 7,女人 woman 8,去 go to 9,打搅一下 Excuse me 10,天 day 11,明天 tomorrow 12,今天 today 13,护照passport 14,行李 luggage 15,换钱 Exchange 16,飞机场 airport 17,现金 cash 18,公共汽车 bus 19,旅行travelling 20。
