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  • 2023-06-30

人教版八年级上册英语期中试卷?八年级英语上期中试卷I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman? 4. How does the man like diving? 5. Which country are they visiting? II. 补全对话。那么,人教版八年级上册英语期中试卷?一起来了解一下吧。



I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分)

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?

2. What subject can the woman help the man?

3. Why do you think May can be the woman's best friend?

4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I'举肆模ve learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面短文,根据所给正缓首字母,填写正确的单词。






Ⅰ.听单词, 用所听到的单词的适当形式游搏填空。

1. She goes to the movies _______ a week.

2. Some friends have opposite(相反的) views and ________.

3. Wang Hai was _______. So he didn’t go to school.

4. There are some _______ between this picture and that picture.

5. Mr. Liu wants to go _______ today.

Ⅱ.听句子, 选出与其意思相符的图画。

6. . _____ 7. _____8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____

Ⅲ.听对话, 根据其内容判断句子正(T)、误(F)。

11. Ann is a teacher.

12. Ann usually walks to school.

13. Ann’s bike is broken today.

14. Some of Ann’s classmates live far from the school.

15. Somebody goes to school by car.

Ⅳ.听短文, 根据其内容完成下列各句。


I. I. I. 听句子听句子听句子听句子,,,,选出句子中所包含的信息选出句子中禅谈所包含的信息选出句子中所包含的信息选出句子中所包含的信息。(。(。(。(共共共共9999个小题个小题个小题个小题,,,,每个小题每个小贺袭碰题每个小题每个小题1111分分分分,,,,共共共共9999分分分分))))( ) 1.A.Once a month. B.Twice a month. C.Three times a month. ( ) 2. A.For a week. B.Last week. C.Next week. ( ) 3.A. To Guangzhou.B.To Hainan. C.To Dalian. ( ) 4.A.5th.B.13th .C.8 days. ( ) 5.A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesn’t. C.I don't know. ( ) 6.A.He has to study for a test. B. He has to look after his grandparents.C.He has to visit his grandparents. ( ) 7.A.Jim B.Jim’s cousin C. Both of them ( ) 8. A.He has a headache.B. He has a toothache.C.He has a cold. ( ) 9. A.She has an art lesson.B.She is going to a piano lesson. C.She is playing sports.II. II. II. II. 听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题听语段对话和问题,,,,选择正确的答案选择正确的答案选择禅散正确的答案选择正确的答案((((共共共共11111111个小题个小题个小题个小题,,,,每个小题每个小题每个小题每个小题1111分分分分,,,,共共共共11111111分分分分))))听第1段材料,回答第10-11小题。



I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman? 4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所差蚂缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn'败带t you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I've learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面察庆芦短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。



I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分)

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?

2. What subject can the woman help the man?

3. Why do you think May can be the woman's best friend?

4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I'尘行ve learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let'芦渣s learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面短陪兄悄文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。

以上就是人教版八年级上册英语期中试卷的全部内容,下面给大家分享一些关于人教版 八年级 上英语测试卷及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ.听 句子 ,选择你所听到的单词或 短语 。每个句子读一遍。
